Cheif Robert Joseph

Our nation has faced many challenges throughout recent history. Today we are facing a major challenge which is diabetes. It is killing us and depriving us from the good quality of life that was provided to us by the Creator. There is nowhere I go without meeting people with diabetes. After seeing many of my friends and family affected by diabetes; I have decided to take action.

I started a journey of healing to learn how to manage my diabetes and live a healthy life and fulfill the purpose the Creator has chosen for me. Throughout this journey I learned about our traditional healing, western medicine, and how to deal with issues such as residential schools and its impact on us. I also learned how it is important to manage diabetes. I want to share with you my journey with you.

Let’s learn together and provide ourselves and our families with a happy and productive life. Some of you may know a great deal about diabetes and how to manage it, while others are in denial and or have surrendered to the disease.

I invite you all to listen to what I have learned and I hope you will take good care of your health. Diabetes is a serious disease but manageable.